


What Will Happen to MEMO When Jerome is Gone?

What Will Happen to MEMO When Jerome is Gone?


Today at church one of our volunteers asked me,”Whats happening in MEMO? I haven’t had an email for a while!” Actually it has been 10 days.

With the sewer blocked and the water disconnected at our Van Horne warehouse there is a lively discussion as to whether to pay the $2000 to open the sewer or to just let this be the first step in permanently decommissioning the building for demolition some time in the future. One stark fact is that the nature of MEMO’s ministry means we cannot function without some storage capability. The long term use of the LPH facility as a warehouse is far from a sure thing.
The question naturally arises as to what happens to MEMO when I die? It will end,  unless the Lord in His mercy raises up someone to take my place. Of course another scenario is that I will descend into feebleness and dementia. Or as Maureen says, “Become a stubborn old man who doesn’t know when to quit.” She also adds that the important thing is to do God’s will and leave the results up to Him. Of course if we fix the sewer and I die the next day that will be a $2000 toilet flush! It boils down to pessimists who  expect the worst and optimists who expect nothing but the best.
The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. However there is a plan in place and it is being carried out. That is to reduce our inventory to one container or less in storage.
That would mean if I die without a replacement, everything can be packed in one last container and that will be the end. That is why we will have shipped 5 containers in 5 months. This has meant a really heavy workload for our local volunteers. It also means we have gone $19,000 into debt to ship the last 2 containers. We are hoping the October 4th fundraiser at the Valhalla ballroom will eliminate that debt. And the September 11th container packing will reduce our inventory to less than one container full. So keep praying, help pack on Sept 11th if you can, and come celebrate all that God has done and is doing through MEMO as we listen to our beloved Aurora and Dr Tim on October 4th.
(p.s. my last stress test was excellent)
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