
Mission & Mandate

Collaborating with Faculty of the Evangelical University of El Salvador Medical School

“Let your light so shine that people will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Mathew 5:16


The purpose of MEMO Ministries is to show the love of God by providing redundant Canadian hospital  equipment and supplies to needy healthcare facilities in developing countries.

MEMO works closely with national Christians and churches in carrying out this mandate.

MEMO attempts to insure donated equipment and supplies are properly used by sending medical/surgical/technical teams to the sites of donation on a regular basis.

MEMO is supported financially by individual Canadians of goodwill. It receives no government financial support. It is accountable to the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC Account 2-5055).

MEMO operates in an open and transparent fashion, believing donors have a right to know the details of how their contributions are used.

MEMO is entirely a volunteer-based organization with no salaried employees.

MEMO expresses no political affiliation either in Canada and overseas.

If you wish to receive regular email updates on our activities every week or so you may do so by asking at [email protected]