
The MEMO Fundraiser Was a Success

The MEMO Fundraiser Was a Success

Ways our fundraiser was a success:
  1. What people say about it. “ I think this was the best one so far” was one comment.
  2. The number of people attending: 285 (50 more than the last one)
  3. The speaker was really good. Cecilia Huezo of El Salvador talked on the theme we are all refugees-we all need refuge at some times in our lives.
  4. She pointed out how God is using MEMO to provide refuge in so many ways to the needy in so many places in the world. She did this in a simple, eloquent, heart felt way.
  5. The music was enjoyable: Don Shaver and the Mayor’s band provided uplifting music, including the first public performance of “The MEMO Song”
  6. For newcomers, Fran Friesen’s video “MEMO, the Last two Years” explained what MEMO is about.
  7. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
  8. Our Motto was accomplished” Let your light so shine that people will see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven”
  9. Financially it was the best fund raiser we have ever had. A last minute anonymous donor covered all the remaining costs of the meal and evening so that every cent donated went to the work of MEMO. $31,000.00
Thank you Lord,  thank you hard working MEMO volunteer organizers of the evening, and thank you donors large and small (I am referring to the donation size not the donors!!!).
We are now going flat out to prepare to ship a container to El Salvador Saturday November 26th (we now have the money). The contents of the Mexico container are sitting in the warehouse waiting for Mexican customs approval. If you or anyone you know are going to Cuba as tourists let me know (627 6360) so you can take urgent medical supplies to our Cuban doctors in Varedaro(Matanzas/Santa Clara)!
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