Hi Supporters,
I just completed what was supposed to be a 6 day trip to El Salvador to visit our missionary Cecilia Huezo with Thunder Bay Mark Serediak.
It turned into a 5 day trip as it took 2 hours to get the plane started in Toronto and we missed our connection Hueston to San Salvador.
The purpose was for Mark to train 3 El Salvadorian men in bicycle repairs to provide them with sustainable income.
My purpose was to train 3 women to be Village doctors providing simple primary care in Cecilia’s new medical centre.
Both our teaching programs seemed to be highly successful though the real test will be in what they can do in the time ahead.
I toured the 300 bed Zacimil Hospital that provides care for people in Cecilia’s area.
It has many needs that we can provide.
Can you imagine a hospital doing 3000 deliveries a year with no ultrasound machine to do prenatal exams.
We have one crated and ready to ship April 2nd.
The government renovated part of the hospital to be an ICU but has provided no equipment of any kind and no beds or other furniture.
Today we received from Terrace Bay hospital an integrated ICU monitoring system for 4 separate patients. (A MEMO Miracle)
We should be able to supply all the equipment they need to begin operating a modern ICU.
And their are dozens of other things we can provide to improve patient care in this hospital
For you people living in the Thunder Bay area there are a few items you may be able to supply.
One is a 4’ chest freezer for storing their frozen vaccines for children. Now they get them from another hospital in small quantities and keep them in a picnic cooler for the day.
The freezer should be relatively new so the cost of shipping $300 USD is worth while.
They also need a good regular refrigerator.
Cecilia needs a whipper snipper for a very small patch of grass she intends to grow to keep dust down around the medical centre.
These are just a few of the things going on in MEMO but we don’t want to bore you with all the details.
We need your prayers and financial support in order to continue to show God’s love to those who live so far away and have so little.