


MEMO Celebrates 20 Years of Serving, Saving, Succeeding Together

MEMO Celebrates 20 Years of Serving, Saving, Succeeding Together

MEMO (Medical Equipment Modernization Opportunity) Thunder Bay’s humanitarian organization that recycles used but still useful medical equipment to third world countries is celebrating 20 years of “Serving, Saving, Succeeding Together”. During this time 107 full size ocean containers have been shipped to 7 different needy countries. This constitutes 271,360 cubic ft. weighing 1060 tons of humanitarian aid mostly from Northwestern Ontario that did not end up in landfill.

Here is a testimonial from Cuba:

“Dear brothers and sisters from MEMO. My name is Abel Santana. My wife Marisel Garcia del Busto and I have been working for MEMO for more than 10 years. We are doctors from Pediatric Hospital of Matanzas, Cuba. When we learned about the MEMO project through our church our lives changed. We have never seen so much mercy. We undertook that our Lord put MEMO in our lives through our pastor, this changed our lives. We began a relationship of love and generosity from the bottom of the hearts of all the volunteers of the MEMO mission. After many procedures and obstacles that God knew how to remove from our path, we were able to receive in our Hospital 4 containers full of medical supplies that had a transcendental impact on the lives of our patients and health personnel. In addition, we received hundreds of kilograms of expendable material and medical equipment through tourists who voluntarily transported them to Cuba after being classified and organized by  MEMO volunteers. Our Lord encouraged us to create a project that allowed us to make the lives of patients with colostomies in the province of Matanzas more bearable since through the mission we supplied those in need with colostomy bags and accessories for many years.  Our deepest gratitude to God for guiding all the volunteers who have allowed the will of our Lord to be fulfilled. May God bless you all. A big hug from Cuba. Abel and Marisel”

To celebrate, MEMO invites you to a 20th anniversary celebration supper on Sunday Sept. 29th at 6 p.m. at the Italian Cultural Centre, 132 Algoma St. S. The meal is complimentary but RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. Phone Elizabeth at 807 577 8869 to reserve your seat.

A 20-year pictorial history of MEMO will be presented as well as an inspirational talk from Mr. Steve Neufeld of Red Deer, Alberta, one of the founding members of MEMO. Another highlight will be preview copies of the book “Dreams, Prayers and Miracles, the story of MEMO” part 1 of 3 will be available. This is being written by Red Rock’s Elizabeth Harvey-Foulds and will prove to be an encouraging read in these days of international gloom.

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