


MEMO 2012 in Review

MEMO 2012 in Review

Checking the Horse

MEMO has always considered the advice “If the horse is dead, dismount” worth considering. So it is “Horse checking” time.

MEMO’s core business is recycling used but still useful Canadian medical equipment and supplies to Cuba to demonstrate God’s love.

This year we shipped 4 containers(September,October and November) including 85 beds and mattresses, 200 wheelchairs of various types,100 computers and a brand new giant sized freezer among many other things. Almost all of this would have ended up in a scrap yard or landfill if it was not for MEMO’s presence.
The fourth container was shipped from Sioux Lookout in November.

Complicating shipping was Cuba’s decision to reduce spending by 12% on an already bare bones medical system in the fall of 2011. This resulted in a request not to ship containers until they worked out the implications of cost cutting measures. We have resumed shipping and have  requested to ship 6 to 8 containers this coming year.
We have 6 containers of medical equipment stored in our warehouses at the present time. We plan to ship this next year. The shipping horse seems to be doing okay.

In January this year the, 2nd mobile mammography clinic construction was completed. In 2011 we had authorization to expand the mammography program with it. Then the permission to ship was put on hold. We can only guess at the reason, as we are not privy to the inner workings of the government. It may be they are afraid that if MEMO withdraws it’s support that they will be faced with the dilemma of the breast screening program taking essential funding from other more basic and essential health care. Because each mobile clinic saves the lives of 40 Cuban women each year we feel compelled to continue to reassure the Cuban’s we will not abandon the Breast Screening program.

We have been blessed this year with the use of a 9000 sq ft warehouse in down town Thunder Bay. It is now owned by the city for taxes and we hope we will have continued use of it.

We had 2 medical surgical technical team visits this year to evalute and pursue projects in rehabilitation, wound care, and prostate surgery. What happens this coming year will tell us how successful we are in these areas.

For the moment the MEMO horse is doing fine. We live in changing and uncertain times in Cuba. We ask only for a knowledge of God’s will and the resources and strength to carry it out.

This post is long but we want to be transparent in what is being accomplished and let you know how to pray for us. Thanks and have a happy New Year!


Take a look at a few of the pics from this last year!

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