
Meet Dr. Paul Thistle from Zimbabwe

Meet Dr. Paul Thistle from Zimbabwe

Hi Local MEMO Supporter,

What would inspire a young Canadian, University of Toronto trained specialist (OBS/GYN) to go to rural Zimbabwe for 27 years to practice, rather than have an affluent life here at home? Here is an opportunity to meet Dr. Paul Thistle and his family on Sunday July 10th 8:00 p.m. at Grace Church, 289 Court St.

People often wonder if all the effort and money spent sending medical and humanitarian aid to Africa really does any lasting good. This is a chance to ask this question face to face with Dr. Thistle, director of Karanda Mission Hospital in Zimbabwe, who receives this aid from Thunder Bay through MEMO.

Here are some stats that may stimulate your questions to Dr. Thistle.

Zimbabwe (previously Rhodesia) pop. 14 million

AIDs orphans 1.4 million

Karanda Hospital:

152 beds

5 doctors doing 3500 surgeries/year

20 midwives doing 1800 deliveries

30 nurses

Annual government support $30,000

Hospital is run on a budget 1% (one percent) of a similar sized hospital in Ontario!

Outpatients seen annually 75,000

Nutritional support provided to 15,365 malnourished residents.

CTV aired a documentary a few years ago featuring conjoined twins that Dr. Thistle arranged to have surgery for separation at Sick Children’s Hospital Toronto.

MEMO sends containers with medical supplies for Karanda Hospital 3 to 4 times a year for the last 7 years.

Jerome Harvey M.D.

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