


May 2018 Report

May 2018 Report

Hi Supporters,
It is hard to believe a third of 2018 has already gone by! We want to let you know that MEMO is still active and needs your help.

February 28th we sent a container of supplies to El Salvador. This was to support the 4 hospitals and 4 medical clinics and Christian community centre we support there. It is difficult shipping out of 4 highway trailers rather than a warehouse, especially in the winter!

March and April were spent sorting and packing a huge amount of supplies from a closing hospital in Thunder Bay and from local and district clinics and hospitals.

WATSON SAYS ‘I COULD HELP MORE IF I HAD THUMBS’ This is in our little 1200 sq ft warehouse made available by Grace EFCC Church in Thunder Bay.

We are waiting permission from the Cuban Government to ship a container of Hurricane Irma relief supplies.
We are also waiting for permission to ship a container of medical supplies to the Children’s hospital in Matanzas Cuba.
In the meantime we are collecting supplies for a container going to Zimbabwe this summer for a ministry caring for 600 orphans among other things, the EFCCM Zimbabwe Gecko Society.
This includes Children’s books for teaching reading, simple medical supplies for clinics, sewing machines and supplies, tools for growing food and much more.

Today I received this email which shows that all this effort really does result in a blessing for the people that receive it.
This can only happen with your continued prayers and support. Below is the email:

Last week basic clinics opened up for the residents of two rural Nicaraguan communities where previously, no medical assistance could be found.  One doctor plus two nurses attending each Tuesday in Los Diaz; Wednesday in San Carlos.  Thanks in part to MEMO Canada for helping make this dream a reality.  The Dr saw 79 patients his first day!”
Serving with joy,
Rob/Leslee Oudman
Stack of medical masks and desks take on a new life in Nicaragua
Blood pressure machine and weigh scale



Vintage stretcher
This past fall and winter, over forty tourists to Varedaro,Cuba, carried over 1600 pounds of highly valued medical supplies and equipment to the Children’s Hospital of Matanzas. This included life saving asthma medication, oximeters and capnometers for determining blood gas levels during anaesthesia, tube feeding pumps, and huge amounts of ostomy supplies.
Some of you have donated money to buy specialized sutures used in hair lip and cleft palate repairs that were delivered by tourists. Thank you for making it possible for these children to have a normal life.
Sept 30th Dr Abel Santana, a paediatric general surgeon and his wife Dr Marisel Garcia the paediatric surgeon doing the cleft lip and palate repairs, will be at our MEMO fundraising supper in Thunder Bay.
An army is only as effective as its supply lines are reliable. In the same way MEMO supports missionaries, doctors and health care providers who work in areas where supplies are difficult to obtain. We and they are dependent on you to keep the supply lines functioning as they demonstrate God’s love by caring for others.
Thank  you.
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