


April MEMO Update

April MEMO Update

We have a list of all the things needed to furnish the Shalom Family Medical Centre in Santiago,Texacuangos in El Salvador.
Amazingly we have everything they need except a scrub sink. We are working at getting it all organized in our 600 Simpson St Warehouse, Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital(LPH) storage, Van Horne warehouse and the highway trailer in the parking lot.

The first container which we hope to ship April 26(Still to be confirmed) will contain everything from the Highway trailer and Van Horne warehouse. The second container will contain a huge amount of needed  stuff from the LPH and 150 wheelchairs etc from 600 Simpson St. Hopefully it can be shipped Sat May 11th. These two containers should fully furnish and equip the Medical Clinic in El Salvador.

We are still in the 600 Simpson St. Warehouse. The new owner told someone “not to worry, I’m not going to kick you out!” We haven’t heard anything officially yet. Our intention is to empty the warehouse by moving the 30 beds  and mobile mammography clinic out in containers destined for Cuba, as soon as we get authorization from Cuba.

The Cuban government has given us authorization to ship “medical furniture” but not the Mammography clinic or other equipment for some unknown reason. We are talking to them, that we have a responsibility to our donors to ship the clinic (which has been waiting 15 months) before anything else. Please pray that Cuban officials will be reasonable. We leave all this in God’s hands, but pray for us as well, that we may do what is right.

We have money to ship the mammography clinic from our fund raising dinner. We also have money for the first container to El Salvador. And then we need more money to ship the next container to El Salvador ($8500).

Thank you for your interest, your prayers, and your financial support.

Things "Stored" by St Joes for us at the LPH/ about 1/50th of the total!
Things “Stored” by St Joes for us at the LPH/ about 1/50th of the total!
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