


Helping Adrian

Helping Adrian

Adrian Perez Glez was born August 29, 2000 to very poor Cuban parents. As a baby he failed to thrive and it was discovered he had only partially formed kidneys.

Since that time he has been on renal dialysis 3 times a week and requires a special diet and medication. Meanwhile the children of St Mary’s Anglican church began collecting money to help needy Cuban children. As well a member of St Mary’s parish was teaching a group of young teenage girls how to knit. They knitted small “Raggedy Ann” style dolls that lived in small sacs made for them by the teacher.

On August 23rd I had the great priveledge to deliver one of the dolls made by a “special” girl to Adrian. Adrian was brought to me by the pastor of the Cuban church in a town(Sancti Spiritus) 60kms away, that Adrian’s parents live in. I gave the money the St Mary’s children had collected to the pastor to buy some extra food and needed medicine for Adrian.

Adrian felt the doll all over, hugged it and then held it close as he was wheeled away to the car to head back home. I think this is the sort of thing Jesus would want all of us to do. Thank you St Mary’s Church. Thank you Marianne. And thank you children for making a very sick little boy’s life here on earth a bit more pleasant.

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